Remedial Project - North Bondi
SPMA were initially engaged by the Owners Corporation to assist with a proposed project for the installation of new masonry cavity ties and the repainting of this building. Following an investigation of the site it became apparent that the roof slab of this building was extremely spalled due to many years of water ingress through the failed roof membrane and had reached a point of structural degradation at which replacement was the only viable option. At this time it became apparent that the effectively identical building next door had independently discovered similar problems and the decision to run the projects simultaneously was made to seek to reduce the overhead costs of both projects. SPMA facilitated the obtaining of Council Orders for both sites to provide consent for the major structural works and tendered the both projects on behalf of the Owners Corporations.
During Construction SPMA fulfilled the role of Contract Superintendent for both Owners Corporations and have assisted both in the identification and resolution of defects within the Contract Maintenance Period.
The works to these two buildings included:
Demolition and replacement of roof slabs
Fire upgrades as ordered by Council
New balustrades to roof level
Demolition and reconstruction of laundry buildings to roof
Demolition and reconstruction of garages
Internal repairs to areas affected by works
Tiling of roof and ground floor areas
New cavity masonry ties
Repairs to rendered façade
Repainting of both buildings